Coming soon.......Tech Corner.
Well I've been creating my new site and unfortunately it won't be up for a long time as because I need a server that would hold all the stuff I'm developing. Trust me people! I've got nothing but free time now because that idiot never called me back for my schedule and I can't play football as a count of I have a stress fracture in my lower back. I can get around no problem so I've been going places but can't do any excercise like I want to. So I've been doing nothing but developing. I'm gonna call it "Tech Corner". And who knows if I'm even going to publish it at all. It'll all happen a couple of months from now. If I feel the website looks good and the content is solid then I'll publish it. And I would need some writers as well. So till then.........
cool, Underground tech is going to be a website soon. If im lucky itll all work out
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