Be happy and quit griping
It seems to me like a lot of people are griping about Systm. All they keep saying is Kevin is coming up with excuses all the time. I think their full of #$#@. Krose is a busy man and has to divide his time among so many things. First he had to move to san francisco and that took quite some time. Then they had to move everything. And sometimes he'll make appearances on Call For Help 2.0. Admist that Kev had to do Diggnation and This Week in Tech as well. Then they had to go out looking for a studio. Then moving equipment to the studio takes time as well. Kev said once they get the studio ready they can start cranking out the episodes. Which there is going to be 2 to 3 releases each month. So quit your griping and let them get settled first. And not every episode will be suited for each persons needs. So Jay don't worry there are fans out there who appreciate Revision 3's work.