Monday, January 31, 2005

Thats a Relief

I almost bit the bullet on my speech there. Luckily I didn't have to go today. I came close to it though because everbody wanted to volunteer me. Oh well, I'll probably have to present tomorrow though because 6 people already went. That'll be fun. Spanish has been going easier than expected though. I haven't been doing that well on my quizzes/tests lately. I just don't like being called on in class. It sucks cause then i blank out and don't remember anything. Anyway things with the ladies has been smoothed over cause my good friend jeff talked to all the ladies. I still hate jack though for what he did. Oh well things will be better sometime.
Oh by the way Dan Huard is almost done with his website Scopetech. That should be awesome.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Homework Sucks

Yeah, homework truly does suck. I have to write an entire speech for tomorrow all in the space of 2 hours. Fun stuff right? Hopefully I'll get it done on time. Other fun things have been going on too. Like me staying home and playing halo all day. And what the hell was going on with Dan Huard and the guys on Kevin Rose's moblog? I would say they were a little more than drunk.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Why, Why, Why

Arrggh, sometimes friends can really piss you off. Today I was at a Rochelle High Basketball game and everyone was all fine and dandy until my friend "Jack" decided to go tell some people that I was going to do something really stupid and hurt myself. So then everybody started giving me these weird looks like I was nuts and would do something at that instant. That went on for 2 1/2 hours until I went home. Arrggh, I hate him now cause of that. Luckily for him I'm not stupid enough to do anything about it. They all think I'm crazy now and it's pissing me off. Eventually I'll get over it but still. Arrrrrgggh. Anyway, to make matters worse I bowled really crappy on my first day of Junior League. Wow man, I couldn't even break a 150. It was horrible.
And don't worry people, I'm fine.

Thursday, January 27, 2005


Good god, I still can't decide whether or not to play football next year. I want to devote most of my time to bowling so I can get a scholarship out of here. I have two years left and I'm doing good for right now. I don't really want to play football next year due to the fact that I suck. Seriously, I was thee worst sophomore linemen there was on the team. I could dominate against the freshmen of course but couldn't do anything for the sophomore team. I got injured which was incredibly stupid too because normally you don't really hear the bad people getting injured, it's usually the really talented people. Plus the fact that all the talented people still want me to play. Why though? What's the point? All that will happen to me is that I will get tossed around like a rag doll. Seriously. And it's not like I gained any respect from anyone anyway. And I didn't get the girl either. But thats to be expected cause it's me. Yeah if you want anymore information about me moping around just go to my xanga website Vash124. Enough of this crap, anyway the OC rocks!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Not Good

Yeah, not good, I think I failed my first test of the new semester. My actual geometry teacher came back the day of the test and I still didn't understand anything so that didn't help much. And another good thing happend, I just happened to piss off this incredibly hot girl in my spanish class. The exact opposite thing that I wanted to do. The good ol plan to woo the girl ain't working. God Flabbit! My stupid luck once again prevailed, and not in a good way either. Oh well, someday something will happen. Anyway enough of this crap. My computer rocks! Too bad I only have a 33k connection. This sucks! I don't get cable or broadband out here so this is the fastest connection I have until this town gets a satelite in a year. Stupid Aol can't provide a good 56k connection to our town, the little greedy bastards are still charging us regular price for the month too.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Ooo boy

Yeah, our varsity sectionals didn't go so well. South Beloit took first and Freeport took second. And Freeport only beat us by 16 pins. 16 freakin pins!!! Good god! Anyway the good news that came out of this was that two of our bowlers get to go to State. That should be fun considering it's all the way down by St. Louis. Jeez!! Anyway. Eventually I'll get more tech into this weblog but for now my resources are limited.


Monday, January 24, 2005

Monday, Monday, Monday

Good god, Mondays really do suck! I thought my teacher for my math class was coming back early but i lucked out and she got sick. I do not like her one bit because she won't let you turn in late work at all. I mean i know it's your problem to get homework in on time but if it's the difference between failing and passing i would try and help a student out. But anyway, I am going to fail my geometry test tomorrow because i simply do not understand it at all. I'm confused about the whole 30-60-90 triangles and area and such. I can get everything else but not this. Hopefully and no offense to my geometry teacher but i hope she is sick for the test tomrorrow so i can get some help from the substitute. And then to top it off today on the bus ride home i was talking with my friend on the bus about playing football next year and he seems to want me to play next year but I don't want to. I mean i don't want to lose people's respect cause i won't play anymore but it is because simply i suck! I am thee weekest person on the Rochelle Hub sophomore team. And next year i am going to varsity if i continue and i am debating whether or not to because it will interfere with my bowling season next year. Arggh these decisions are hard to make. Plus the fact that I will have a job and will start having to work during the summer when we will start having to work out for the summer weightlifting program. Plus the fact that I will be taking Consumer Ed during the summer as well. Jeez decisions, decisions.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Looking at a new bowling ball

Yes, yes already i am looking at a new bowling ball. It is called a BVP Nemesis. That ball hooks like a mother! I've seen people having to stand all the way on the left side of the lane (I've only seen people throw it right handed) and throw towards the ten pin (or the last pin on the right side) and it hooks right back into the pocket on the back end. That ball rocks!!!! Hey if anyone has been on you will notice that he has quicktime clips from his newly bought video phone, the Treo 650 from Sprint. No offense to kevin but i had my volume a little louder than normal and couldn't hear anything anybody was saying except for the one where sarah lane was talking. He probably just should have been a little closer. I'm not trying to rant on kevin. Your awseome Kev keep up the good work!! By the way his weblog is . Any of you computer geeks should check it out. And . I recommend that too. But for the broken make sure you have divx so you can watch their episodes.

Friday, January 21, 2005


Hey people, is looking for contributors to their website. I contacted Matt Wolfe and so far all i have been told is that you need to tell friends about computer products, have descent writing skills, and be able to fix problems. If you want to help just contact them through their website. Peace Out!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


Yes, for now I can stray from the bowling talk and focus more on something else. Pool!! I truly suck at pool! When I was at the bowling tournament on Saturday I got about 20 games of pool in. I lost about 16 of those 20. It was truly embarrassing. I couldn't hit anything. And I mean anything. Three of those 4 games were won by luck. The fourth one i actually won by skill. More to come tomorrow.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Mondays Suck

Mondays always seem to suck. I had to go get my lesson from the pro today and I have had to change my approach and throw completely. I no longer use my wristbrace and have this wacko shot that makes my Ultimate Inferno hook like crazy. It is awesome. But my wrist hurts like crazy. I also had to do these drills in which I flick my wrist over the ball until I do something really weird to get it to hook. I should do a lot better though on Saturday when I go back to the bowling alley.


Saturday, January 15, 2005


Woooohooo!! Rochelle JV took 1st in conference. Rochelle Varsity took 2nd. And Rochelle Girls took 3rd. The only competition to us was south beloit. We managed to hold them off though and take first in the tournament. JV's season is officially over and so begins the post season for varisty and girls. Woohoo! Hopefully Rochelle will go to state for at least one of the teams. That would be awesome. By the way we defeated Rockford Lutheran on Thursday and took all 7 team points. Woohooo! Thats awesome! Rochelle JV not only had an undefeated conference season but took 1st in Conference. Yeah!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Take 2

Ah yes, the favorite bowling meet we all like. The one that doesn't count. A non-exhibition meet anyway. Rochelle Varsity and Rochelle JV both took 2 games out of three and took 5 out of 7 points against LeSalle-Peru. That was the first time Rochelle JV has ever lost a game this season. Thank god it wasn't a conference meet. We have our last conference meet tomorrow and our JV Conference Meet is Saturday. Ya man!! We are gonna take first!! My first game was crap. I bowled a 127. I got pulled for the second game, and went back in the third game and bowled a little better with a 174. That was after I switched from my Ultimate Inferno to my old Ebonite Stinger (Pearl). I bowled 5 opens with my Ultimate and decided to switch to save myself. Didn't help much by then but still it was knocking them down more than the Ultimate. I used my Stinger the entire third game. Oh well, better luck tomorrow, and as well results will be posted.
Rochelle vs Rockford Luthern

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Bowling Meet Tomorrow

I have a bowling meet tomorrow and unfortunately it is non-conference. Varsity really needs it after getting sweeped by South Beloit, results will be posted tomorrow.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Another Depressing Day

Arrggggh, Rochelle certainly has its ups and downs. Our varsity bowling team got smoked today. Those guys from South Beloit are good. The only thing good that came out of this day was our junior varsity sweeped them taking all seven conference points. We now have a commanding lead over south beloit by 12 points. No matter what we will take first in conference. It's awesome. That's basically the only good news of the day because I had a crappy game of 151. I started out great but the ending sucked. First it was spair, strike, strike, spair, open, open, open, spair and etc. It just went downhill after frame 4. That was the only game I got to play too. Oh well.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

First Post

Hello Peoples!! This isn't really my first post as a blogger. I have another website that is for my personal life and I intend for this website to be for my tech talk, views, critcisms, and some stuff about the screen savers. It will also be for my bowling posts. Just in case any pro bowler comes across and wants to give me advice on bowling techniques. By the way Napoleon Dynamite is an awesome movie!!!
Long Live The Original Screen Savers

By the Way my original website is
Coleman, aka Vash