Friday, September 30, 2005

Crazy week

I've had such a crazy week. I haven't been able to post that much because chemistry has been keeping me busy all the while. Stupid conversions, I can do them but for some reason this week I blanked out and failed a big chemistry quiz I had. So anyway I'm hoping to update Tech Corner tomorrow along with including a script of a show I'm writing or just some other script I'm writing. Otherwise I'll get to on Sunday. Man, homecoming is coming up and next week is gonna suck. The same people basically who were nominated last year for homecoming court are nominated this year. I still think it was rigged but whatever. Everybody else thought the same thing. One funny thing was is that my friend Ashley said, "I got nominated again, come on I won last year." Hahah, she's funny. L8er.


Saturday, September 24, 2005


Hmmm, I know I haven't updated much but that's because I've been trying to fix my website. I've also been conditioning as well so I'm not usually near the computer except for today. As soon as I fix my site I'm hoping to put some of my creative writing content up on there. So for now stay tuned.


Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Tech's lives!!!

Yes, my site is up and running. It still needs to be majorly modified but what the hey, it's up at least!!


Monday, September 19, 2005

Rebirth of Tech Corner

Yes that's right, the rest of you may not care but I do. The website I've been waiting for so long to get going is almost in the works. Although content I want to produce is pretty much scarce right now because I don't have all the resources to do what I want. I really want to get a vidcast going showing you the various topics I learn from my PC Configuration and Repair class. I would love to do that. I also want to get a podcast going with my friends from Rochelle. Right now my template on my site isn't working as well as I'd hoped it would. The template is completely gone as of right now. All it is the text I had in before and all the links etc....etc. So I'm getting my friend Xander to help me and hopefully the site should be up and running within the week. So don't go to it right now but later (like in a week) on go to Tech Corner and check it out!


Friday, September 16, 2005

G4 CEO History

Yes, Charles Hirschhorn is gone! TechTv fans rejoice!!!


Saturday, September 10, 2005

Digital time baby

And by that I mean I was playing Digimon Rumble Arena 2. This game is a definite improvement over the first one but it still has it's flaws. So basically the only thing I've done all day is play that game. Tomorrow I have to study for my chemistry quiz again.


Friday, September 09, 2005

More bones to pick

Hmm, I'm slightly angered about someone called Captain on Blogger. His site is called Free the Trilobites or Tribbles or whatever the hell it is. I was kinda angry because on Kevin Rose's site he left a comment saying "Hey I found a decent blog," that blog was linked to his own. Pretty lame in my opinion. So I let him know that on Krose's site and his own. I might have gone overboard by attacking him on his blog so I apologize for that. But then he has the nerve to delete my comment on his blog and gives some bullsh#$ comment that says "blame the spammers vash!" Umm...don't think so. What's worse is he deleted my comment and not the actual spam that was on his own site. So yeah...captain you might be a cool guy in your own retrospect but your full of yourself if go on a tech-celebrities website and leave a comment saying you found a decent blog which is your own. And then the whole comment delete dealy. Ok I'm done venting yeah..I think that was the first time I've used bold and italics on my posts.


Bowling again

So yeah, I got a new ball and that thing hooks like a banshee. I also got a spare ball for those pesky ten pins. That thing likes to hook too if it's a dry lane. This was my first time actually using my new ball for a game. My first game sucked. I got a 150. I'm not kidding but it went up twenty pins a game. So after that I got a 170 and a 190. I'm still kinda pissed though. That 170 game I could've had at least a 190 but oh well. So for the first time using that it wasn't that bad. So I'm looking forward to the future. And yeah I've seen that new iTunes phone and I'm not too impressed. I think I'll stick with buying an iPod and keep my cell phone seperate.


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I've had enough

From now on my posts will no longer have a comments box. I've been spammed again. I don't think I got through to you people. DON'T SPAM HERE you motherfu#$3!5 spammers. Spam is not cool it is very annoying.


Monday, September 05, 2005

I hate chem

I was supposed to do my chemistry project today but my friend didn't come over with that sheet that had the guidelines for it so I had nothing to do. So I went over to Techspec and posted two stories that I found pretty interesting. One of them was about the mac mini deal being pulled and the other was about Kazaa biting the bullet in Australia. So go check it out! Then after that all I did write in my creative writing notebook. That class is pretty fun. I can write out all my ideas in there. I've been writing a story somewhat similar to Mutant X but the character is completely different and it involves government conspiracies instead. It's some weird stuff. I've also been writing a tv drama to sort of speak. I'm tired of seeing these dramas with high school kids who are rich and get all these women so easily. So I've been basically writing my auto-biography. So tomorrow as soon as I get home I have to design a chemistry poster and create a magazine ad for my element. It's pretty stupid. My chem teacher wants us to do some sort of advertising for our element. So yeah, that's basically my day in a nutshell.


Sunday, September 04, 2005

I'm such a slacker

I should've been doing my chemistry project today and writing for Techspec but I'm just so tired. So tomorrow I will get to my chemistry project and by Monday I promise I will write at least some short post for Techspec. I apologize to Phatlip for slacking but school is such a drag.
