Alright I have a banner but for now it won't show up for a little bit. I don't know what happened but when I put in there the banner didn't show up and my blog weirded out by suddenly changing the template size. It was crazy.
Alright I have a banner but for now it won't show up for a little bit. I don't know what happened but when I put in there the banner didn't show up and my blog weirded out by suddenly changing the template size. It was crazy.
Ahh the new template. I think it looks good. I just need a banner now. If someone can make me one then send it to please. Ha I recently just read that not too many people are happy with the Cingular's Rockr phone and have returned it. I knew it was a bad idea from the start but that's just me.
Well, I guess for now since I'm having so many problems I'm just going to stop production on TC. I know I sound like an idiot for getting all hyped up for nothing but had I had the time or resources I would've put my back into it. So I'm sorry for disappointing anyone that actually looked at it. Plus my parents have been giving me a lot of crap lately about being on the internet so much. So um..yeah I don't know what to tell you really but I'm sure I'll pick up where I left off after I graduate. I'm so disappointed right now.
Wow....I did update the site but it hasn't shown up yet so tomorrow I'll take a look and see if there's anything I can do about it. Wow....
The site's been updated with an incredible lackluster post on there. You'll see what I mean when it gets up there. Only problem is I can't upload it to the server so I have to have a friend of mine do it and I've no idea when he'll get to it. So yeah. I went bowling today. It was kickass. I bowled a 233, 194, and a 234. I think that's possibly the highest series I've had so far. So yeah that's how my day went besides some observation essay I had to write for creative writing. It was kinda boring but kind of cool at the same time. I sat there and watched people from afars away (sounds kind of creepy) but you supposed to watch how human interaction works in different towns, businesses, etc.... so I did it in a bowling alley. Didn't take long either. So yeah.
Yes I'm an idiot I know, I didn't update TC because I forgot. I had such an awesome night yesterday. The football game was pretty freaking awesome and my team won 22-8. But it was also pretty damn cold. So I went to McDonalds afterwards to warm up. That was fun. So tonight while I'm watching Saturday Night Live I'll do it. And if I don't I shall beat myself up. So here's hoping I don't bruise easily.
Wow, chemistry has had me in such a fritz lately. I seriously don't get the whole conversion thing. So the entire time I've been in a panic about that. All though I must say one of the questions the teacher made up was, "1 fizzle= ? Frizzles." It had some giant table and you had to do this stupid factor label crap which didn't make any sense. I mean come on! Use actual measurments like grams, or liters. It's stupid questions like those that have made me fail my chemistry test. And yes I know I'm complaining but that's basically the whole reason why I don't understand it. Anyway, I've been such a slacker with posting and modding my site. So Friday before I go to a football game and hang out with a few buddies I'm going to modify my site (I know I said I'd do it before but this time I really mean it) and post something for Techspec. And holy crap! We had a spy in the white house!